Minnesota DOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection Manual

Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation

The Minnesota Department of Transportation's (MnDOT) bicycle and pedestrian data collection program is a collaborative program with state and local agencies to collect bicycle and pedestrian traffic counts throughout the State of Minnesota. The general goal is to inform transportation planning, engineering, and management. The data is being collected following the same principles and using approaches similar to those used in vehicular traffic data collection. State and local agencies, engineering consultants, and others can use these data for many purposes, including pre-post analysis of projects, performance management, evaluation of polices such as Complete Streets, safety and crash analyses. The bicycle and pedestrian data collection program focuses on collection of traffic volume data, not turning movement data.

This document supplements the 2013 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG) and the 2014 National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 797 Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Data Collection. These documents present state-of-the-art practices and provide guidance on monitoring alternative modes of transportation. The FHWA established the first set of guidelines of the smart means and practices for bicycle and pedestrian data collection in the 2013 TMG. Minnesota is putting these new guidelines to use in this manual.

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