Canadian Research on Pedestrian Safety

Source: Federal Highway Administration

Canadian research in the area of pedestrian safety has focused on six areas of investigation:

  1. Interventions to prompt pedestrians to look for turning vehicles when crossing at signalized crosswalks, including modification of the pedestrian signal head.
  2. Modification of pedestrian signals to increase the clarity of the indication for the clearance interval.
  3. The use of pedestrian activated flashing beacons at midblock crosswalks and at crosswalks on major roads at intersections not controlled by traffic signals.
  4. The use of advance stop lines to increase the safety of pedestrians at crosswalks.
  5. Research on interventions to increase the conspicuity of crosswalks.
  6. The use of multifaceted programs that focus on engineering, enforcement, and educations (the three E's) to increase yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks.

This paper will review research carried out in these six areas.

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