Methods of Increasing Pedestrian Safety at Right-Turn-on-Red Intersections (Final Report)

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The purpose of this study was to determine current motorist compliance to RTOR regulations, develop and field test countermeasures for TROT pedestrian accidents, and develop improved warrants and guidelines for prohibition of RTOR. Based on data from several US cities, only 3.7 percent of all right-turning drivers violate No Turn on Red (NTOR) signs. However, of drivers with an opportunity to turn right on red, 20 percent violated the sign. At locations with RTOR allowed, 56.9 percent of motorists do not come to a complete stop before turning right on red.

Based on conflict and violation data, 30 countermeasures were developed as possible treatments for RTOR-pedestrian accidents. Seven of these were field tested, including an offset stop bar, a red ball (symbolic) NTOR sign, a larger 30x36-inch (75x90-cm) NTOR sign, a Look for Turning Vehicles pavement marking, a NTOR When Pedestrians are Present sign, and an electronic variable message (blank-out) NTOR sign. Several promosing applications for the devices were recommended. A critique was made of the current MUTCD guidelines on RTOR prohibition. Based on an analysis of conflicts at 199 intersection approaches, improved guidelines were recommended.

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