Regional Bike Share Implementation Plan for Los Angeles County

Source: Fehr & Peers

This Regional Bikeshare Implementation Plan envisions a bikeshare system that is accessible to Los Angeles County residents, students, workers and visitors, and that integrates with existing Metro services to provide a seamless passenger experience and improve the reliability, efficiency and usefulness of Metro's transportation system.

This study explored two options for fare structures: conventional and integrated. If TAP card integration is feasible in the pilot or future phases, an integrated fare structure, consistent with Metro bus and rail fares,
along with payment media integrated through Metro's TAP card will provide a seamless passenger experience, encouraging use by existing Metro passengers and promoting use of Metro bus and rail services by new bikeshare customers. System branding, still under development by Metro Creative Services, will further integrate the system with the Metro brand while providing opportunities for sponsorship and recognition of participating jurisdictions.

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