About PBIC

Since its inception in 1999, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center's mission has been to improve the quality of life in communities through the increase of safe walking and bicycling as a viable means of transportation and physical activity. As a national leader in pedestrian and bicycle research and resources, the PBIC develops and shares resources vital to advancing mobility, access, equity, and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. To support this mission, the PBIC:

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center is supported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and housed within the UNC Highway Safety Research Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

The PBIC 2023 Annual Report highlights services, new resources and tools produced by PBIC in 2023.

Contact PBIC Team Members at pbic@pedbikeinfo.org.


Laura Sandt

Nancy Pullen-Seufert
Associate Director

Core Team

Kristin Blank
Communications Manager

Tab Combs
Research Associate

Alessandro Figueroa
Junior Research Associate

Dan Gelinne
Program Manager

Katherine Harmon
Research Associate

Seth LaJeunesse
Research Associate

Lauren Marchetti
Senior Technical Advisor

Krista Nordback
Senior Researcher

Sarah O'Brien
Senior Researcher

Nandi Taylor
Graduate Research Assistant



Our core team includes partners at Toole Design, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Equitable Cities, and the North Carolina Central University Visual Impairment Training Program.

Additional Collaborators

PBIC regularly engages with a range of organizations to help advance shared missions. Examples of current and past collaborators include:

America Walks

American Planning Association

American Public Health Association

Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health

de Beaumont Foundation

The Eno Center for Transportation

Environmental Protection Agency

Governors Highway Safety Association

League of American Bicyclists

National Association of City Transportation Officials

National Center for State Legislators

the New Urban Mobility alliance: NUMO


Project for Public Spaces / National Center for Bicycling and Walking

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Safe Kids

US Access Board

Vision Zero Network

World Bank


Press Releases

UNC Highway Safety Research Center to lead national Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
(October 3, 2022) Cooperative agreement supports USDOT's efforts to promote healthy, safe, equitable, and accessible transportation options for everyone.

HSRC Awarded Five-Year $3.1M Coperative Agreement for PBIC
(October 3, 2016) UNC Highway Safety Research Center wins multi-year PBIC cooperative agreement through competitive proposal process for fourth time.