Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Campaign

Burlington, Vermont
Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)


The city felt driven to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety in their town in order to make a more livable community.

A poster with a message for drivers to yield to pedestrians.


The Burlington Department of Public Works is one partner in a long-term effort to institutionalize pedestrian safety in the community. In 2006, they launched an annual pedestrian safety campaign based on materials in the Federal Highway Administration's Pedestrian Safety Toolkit.


The campaign included education, engineering, and enforcement components.

For the engineering component, the town worked to:

  • Develop a multimodal transportation improvement plan
  • Plan, develop, and construct an intermodal transit facility in downtown Burlington to improve pedestrian access to transit
  • Improve circulation and access around the waterfront for all modes, with particular emphasis on enhancing the safety and clarity of pedestrian travel
  • Facilitate the development of pedestrian improvements to Cliff Street and other locations

On the enforcement side, the department worked with the Mayor and the Police Department to distribute educational materials to violators, with specific information targeted at motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Extra enforcement in the downtown area focused on bicycle and pedestrian-related violations.

For the education component, public service announcements were broadcast over radio and television and displayed on safety slides at the downtown cinema. The Department of Public Works collaborated with the Mayor, Police Department, and local advocacy organizations to develop press releases and hold press conferences highlighting safety initiatives, using the media to spread the message. Additionally, safety coupons were designed and distributed for discounts on reflective clothing and other safety products.


The city hosted a Pedestrian Summit to involve all stakeholders in a city-wide dialogue. The campaign is now an annual tradition.


Image Source

Burlington Department of Public Works.

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