Mobile Tablet Bus Stop Inventory

Louisville, Kentucky
Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)


The Louisville bus system had an inordinate number of inaccessible bus stops and a limited fund to improve them.


The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) began an inventory of bus stops, cataloging in particular what they dubbed to be the "Hall of Shame;" those bus stops that were entirely inaccessible due to ditches, mud, lack of sidewalks, and other impediments. TARC representatives worked together with the Regional Mobility Council to prioritize needs and projects.

Due to the efforts of the group, the Authority received federal grants under the SAFETEA-LU legislation, the New Freedom Initiative, and the Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program to provide better access to transit stops. One objective was a more thorough bus stop inventory using handheld computer tablets. The units use Global Positioning System (GPS) to allow users to record the amenities offered at a particular location, including their condition.

This system will also be used to compile data received from neighborhood walking surveys, and will allow all the final data to be added to a new software database for trip planning.


The inventory of all 7,000 bus stops will be completed in the summer of 2007 and will add to the trip planning software database to be implemented in the fall of 2007.


Nina Walfoort
Director of Marketing and Planning
Transit Authority of River City (TARC)
(502) 561-5122, cell: (502) 376-4988

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