Mulberry Street Improvement Project

Milton, Delaware
Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)


Mulberry Street serves as a connection between the residential community, the local elementary school and the downtown business area but there was not a safe way for pedestrians to travel to and from these areas.


Milton, Delaware is a historic town of less than 2,000 people; one of Milton's main transportation arteries is Mulberry Street. The levels of automobile and transfer trucks combined with the lack of infrastructure make Mulberry Street a dangerous place for pedestrians and bicyclists.


The initial goal for the Mulberry Street Improvement Project was to provide sidewalk and pavement updates to increase safety and mobility along the project roadway. During the preliminary engineering phase it become apparent that additional design efforts were needed to achieve this goal and provide a quality product meeting community needs and approval. The old water line along the length of the project was replaced to address the need for a continuous stormwater system. The new water line enabled additional fire hydrants to be placed along the project roadway. During construction, field adjustments to the new water line and stormwater system were required to avoid conflicts with the gravity sanitary sewer system. The design engineer responded promptly with avoidance scenarios for the stormwater system through alternate pipe shapes and material types.


The project has been proclaimed by the community as a success. Adjacent residents' yards no longer flood during storm events, pedestrian traffic has been made safer, and a safer route to school has been achieved. The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has received reports from the Town of Milton that pedestrian traffic to the downtown business district has increased, with a marked improvement in the downtown business activity. Local police have reported a dramatic reduction in the need for speed enforcement on Mulberry Street and also noted that heavy truck traffic on the street has reduced as a result of the traffic calming measures.


The cost of the Mulberry Street Improvement Project was $2.7 million, with 80% of the funding coming from federal transportation funding.


Jeff Niezgoda
Planning Supervisor
Phone: (302) 760-2178

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