Bicycling and Walking in the Nineties and Beyond

Applying Scandinavian Experiences to America's Challenges
Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The Federal Highway Administration's FHWA 2000 action plan recommended a policy of inward technology transfer in order for US transportation personnel to keep abreast of new research and technologies emerging abroad. In light of the need to obtain knowledge and understanding of international issues, the FHWA established an expandable program of technical visits to selected countries which had been identified as being leaders in the advancement of pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

The primary output of this Scandinavian activity is the expertise gained in new technologies, practices, and policies and the examination of their suitability for application in Minnesota's Bike/Ped-Friendly City project, as well as in other locations within the United States. This report will serve to document the findings of the scanning effort, and describe the technologies that were acquired. Promotion of these technologies in other parts of the United States will be an ongoing Federal-State cooperative effort.

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