Making Crosswalks Safer for Pedestrians: Application of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Pedestrian Safety at Crosswalks in St. Petersburg, Florida

Source: Center for Urban Transportation Research

A team from the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida provides an overview of the multidisciplinary program implemented in St. Petersburg, Florida to increase motorists yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, reduce pedestrian-motor vehicle conflicts in crosswalks, and to increase pedestrians' feelings of comfort and safety while crossing the street. The report documented the steps involved in assessing pedestrian safety in the community, prioritizing and selecting countermeasures to improve pedestrian safety, implementing engineering, education, and enforcement interventions, and evaluating the effectiveness of the program. The results provide insight into the challenges of implementing a multidisciplinary program over a large urbanized city and give some recommendations on how the challenges can be overcome.

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