Integrating Public Health in Public Land Transportation Planning: Call for Case Studies

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and WSP USA

The FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highways is conducting research on integrating public health in transportation planning on public lands. The project team is seeking case studies that highlight how public lands have successfully integrated public health considerations into their transportation planning processes.

The purpose of this project is to develop and make recommendations for a framework that integrates public health considerations into transportation planning processes for FLMAs.

Public health and transportation are by themselves important public policy areas that attract the attention of public officials at all levels of government. The long-range planning decisions made for the transportation system can affect and influence other policy outcomes relating to public health. It is thus of critical importance that this relationship be better understood and viewed from the perspective of how transportation decisions can lead to improved public health outcomes. As stewards of the Nation’s Federal lands, that are being used extensively by visitors, Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs) have an opportunity to reinforce this relationship. Incorporating public health considerations into transportation planning is not yet standard practice across FLMAs. Further study is needed to enhance this linkage in order to support efforts to improve public health-related outcomes on Federal lands.

To submit a case study idea, please contact the study project managers to discuss the case study idea directly. The case studies will be highlighted as effective practices and incorporated into the final project report.

Deadline June 18, 2021


Project Manager (FHWA), Amit Armstrong,

Project Manager (WSP), Michael Flood,

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