International Policy and Planning
Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
International Policy and Planning
Active Transportation in Canada: A Resource and Planning Guide
Planning and policy guide for NMT.
Transport Canada, 2010
Shared Space
Guide on planning for shared space roads, including design guidelines.
UK Department for Transport, 2011
Improving the Cost-Benefit analysis of Integrated PT, Walking and Cycling
Guide to C-B analysis for transit, walking and cycling.
NZ Transport Agency, 2013
New Zealand
Share the Road: Design Guidelines for Non Motorised Transport in Africa
Design guidelines for NMT specific to Africa.
UNEP, 2013
International (African focus)
Pedestrian Safety: A Road Safety Manual for Decision-Makers and Practitioners
Policy and program recommendations for pedestrian planning.
WHO, 2013
Bike-Sharing Planning Guide
Guide to best practices on bike sharing planning.
ITDP, 2013
Safe Roads for Development: A Policy Framework for Safe Infrastructure on Major Road Transport Networks
Policy guide for road safety infrastructure.
World Bank, 2010
Non-Motorized Transportation Planning: Identifying Ways to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Transport
Planning recommendations for NMT.
VTPI, 2013
Active Transportation Policy Issues
This paper provides background information on active transportation to facilitate discussion of national active transportation policy and legislation at the Active Transportation Roundtable.
Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2003
Adversary Bicycle Policies and Their Impact on Urban Transporation in China
This manuscript provides an analysis of the origins of the negative opinions and related policies after presenting a brief review of bicycle development in China. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board, or accessed by subscribers.
Transportation Research Board, 2006
At the Frontiers of Cycling
The focus in each case study is on the wide range of integrated, mutually supporting policies and programs that are used to promote cycling.
World Transport Policy & Practice, 2007
Cycling for Everyone
This paper investigates how bicycling can be promoted as a safe and feasible means of transport for everyone and for all trip purposes.
Transportation Research Record, 2008
Cycling for a Few or for Everyone
This article reports empirical evidence that multi-faceted strategies (education, enforcement, and provision of facilities) are more effective in increasing cycling safety and raising overall cycling levels.
World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2009
Getting to Smart Growth II: 100 More Policies for Implementation
This is the second part of the "Getting to Smart Growth" guide.
International City/County Management Association, 2003
Getting to Smart Growth: 100 More Policies for Implementation
This guide is the fourth primer in a series written and distributed by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Smart Growth Network. The series was created to introduce communities to the benefits of "smart growth."
International City/County Management Association, 2002
How to enhance WALking and CYcliNG instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer (WALCYNG)
The purpose of this document is to examine conditions and measures which may enhance walking and cycling instead of making shorter car trips.
Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden, 1999
Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany
With the combination of aggregate data and case studies this paper shows how the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany have made bicycling safe anc convenient in their small and large cities.
Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal, 2007
New Directions in Speed Management: A Review of Policy
This review was formed to develop a speed policy that takes account of the contribution of reduced speeds to environmental and social objectives as well as road safety.
Department for Transportation, 2004
Promoting Safe Walking and Cycling to Improve Public Health: Lessons from The Netherlands and Germany
This report examines the public health consequences of unsafe and inconvenient walking and bicycling conditions in American cities and suggest improvements based on successful policies in The Netherlands and Germany.
American Journal of Public Health, Vol 93.9, 2003
Rails with Trails in Canada
This article outlines some of the potential benefits of rails with trails, concerns, design elements to be considered, and highlights of existing Canadian examples.
Trails Canada, 2004
Smart Congestion Relief: Comprehensive Evaluation Of Traffic Congestion Costs and Congestion Reduction Strategies
This report examines methods used to measure traffic congestion costs and evaluate potential congestion reduction strategies.
Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2014
Ride your bike! Measures to Promote Cycling in Germany
Germany's national cycling strategy 2002-2012 aims to promote cycling in Germany as part of a sustainable, integrated transport policy.
German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, 2012
Sustainable Transport that Works
This paper describes how Germany has balanced high levels of car ownership with safe, convenient, and integrated public transport, cycling, and walking alternatives.
World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2009
The Australian National Cycling Strategy 2005-2010
This document describes the need for a cycling strategy, identifies six key priorities for improving the state of cycling, and outlines important actions to take to acheive each of those priorities.
Austroads, Inc., 2005
The Australian National Cycling Strategy 2011-2016
The NCS 2011-16 sets out a framework of six key priorities: cycling promotion, infrastructure and facilities, integrated planning, safety, monitoring and evaluation, and guidance and best practice.
Australian Bicycle Council, 2010
The Role of Public Policies in Promoting the Safety, Convenience, and Popularity of Cycling
This article is a response to the critique by Heath Maddox that was published in the special issue on bicycling of WTPP (Volume 7, Number 3).
World Transport Policy and Practice, 2001
Active Living and Social Equity: Creating Healthy Communities for All Residents
This guide explains the connections between active living and social equity, provides a toolbox of local government strategies for promoting active living equitably, and highlights notable examples of local initiatives from around the country.
International City/County Management Association, 2005
Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis
This 500-page+ document is a comprehensive study of transportation benefit and costing research, and a guidebook for applying this information in planning and policy analysis
Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2009
Keeping Children Safe in Traffic
Report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development draws on best practices and research results to show how child casualties can be reduced. Free executive summary. $45 for full report.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2004