International Campaigns and Resources
Source: Pedestian Bicycle Informatioon Center (PBIC)
International Campaigns and Resources
Cycling Resource Centre
Comprehensive cycling resource site for design, advocacy, policy, etc.
Australian Bicycle Council (funded by Australian Department of Inrastructure and Transport)
UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
Resource page for UN decade of action on road safety, including Global Plan.
Road Safety Fund (FIA and WHO)
Share the Road
Info on promoting NMT modes in developing countries.
International (developing world focus)
Pedestrian and Cyclists
Resource page on pedestrian and cyclist safety.
European Commission
Think! Cycling
Bicycling safety information.
UK Department of Transport
Resource page for alternative transportation campaign.
Sustrans (independent charity)
Canada Walks
Info page on Canada Walks campaign, including resources and best practices.
Green Communities Canada
Pedestrian Council of Australia
Pedestrian safety information and resources.
Pedestrian Council of Australia (independent public company)
European Network for Cycling Expertise (Velo.Info) is a nonprofit institute that provides expertise in creating and implementing a cycling policy. The site provides detailed information for planners and advocates on a variety of topics related to cycling, as well as an online discussion forum.
EU Fifth Framework Programme
European Twowheeler Retailers' Association (ETRA)
This website aims to support independent European retailers of bicycles, mopeds, and motorcycles. The site offers communication tools as well as updates on related legislation and advocacy opportunities.
European Twowheeler Retailers' Association
Transportation Association of Canada
The Transportation Association of Canada is a national association with a mission to promote the provision of safe, secure, efficient, effective and environmentally and financially sustainable transportation services in support of Canada's social and economic goals.
Transportation Association of Canada