NCHRP Report 552: Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities White Paper


Describes a planning tool (no longer supported) based on several research projects that can be used to estimate the costs and benefits of bicycle facilities. This white paper is part of the NCHRP Report 552: Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities.

The purpose of this paper is to describe an online planning tool (no longer supported) that can be used to estimate the costs and benefits of bicycle facilities. The tool is based on the guidelines and is intended to provide planners, policy officials, and decision makers with a consistent framework to guide decisions about cycling facilities. The guidelines are based on several research projects. This manuscript is broken into four parts. The first part discusses the overall framework of the guidelines, to whom they are oriented, and matters related to their overall design and application. Part two walks the user through some aspects of each of the three components of the guidelines. Part three describes some of the results of field-testing of the guidelines and future applications. The final part discusses the limitations of the guidelines and the future steps need to improve the guidelines.

Translating Demand and Benefits Research into Guidelines also provides calculations for estimating metrics related to costs, demand, and benefits.

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