More Vision Zero Resources

Systemic Predictive Safety Analysis of Pedestrian Crashes for Montgomery County’s Vision Zero Program

Source: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Presents a safety analysis with models for pedestrian-related crashes in Montgomery County, MD.
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Safer Streets Priority Finder Tool

Source: Toole Design
Describes a new interactive tool to help communities identify higher risk portions of the roadway network as part of their safety planning efforts or Vision Zero initiatives.
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Austin, TX: Vision Zero Nets Fewer Crashes

Source: Next City
Reports on crashes resulting in deaths or serious injuries at six roadways i Austin, TX.
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City of Atlanta Tactical Urbanism Guide

Source: Smart Cities Dive
Reports that Atlanta, GA released an updated guide to encourage communities to apply tactical urbanism projects as part of the city’s Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic deaths.
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Road to Zero: Doubling Down on What Works Resource Library

Source: Road to Zero Coalition
Shares general knowledge and strategies around road safety through a resource library.
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Seattle models strategies for equitably advancing safe walking and biking for youth

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) and Vision Zero for Youth
Offers a look at Seattle's strategies for equitably advancing safe walking and biking for youth.
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Vision Zero for Youth Demonstration Project, Philadelphia, PA, 2019-2021

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center and Toole Design
Summarizes a combination of “Vision Zero for Youth” approaches with a focus on systemic pedestrian safety analysis that reinforces the City’s commitment to youth road safety to gain an understanding of replicable strategies and tools for other cities to use.
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Connecting New Concepts to Advance Pedestrian Safety

PBIC is observing Pedestrian Safety Month by sharing resources, webinars, and other tools to help advance safety for people who walk, bike, and use other nonmotorized modes.
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Vision Zero for Youth Demonstration Project: Year One Report

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Summarizes work, findings, and deliverables from the first year of the Vision Zero for Youth Demonstration Project work plan (October 2019-September 2020).
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Creating Safer Streets Where Youth Walk and Bike

Source: Vision Zero for Youth
Provides information about Vision Zero for Youth and strategies for prioritizing youth pedestrian and bicyclist safety with the broader goal of improving safety for all road users.
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