More Complete Streets Resources

Complete Streets—Safety Analysis

Source: FHWA
Identifies and describes current capabilities, best practices, and future data and analysis needs for quantifying the safety performance effects of multiple safety treatments.
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Transportation and Mobility Solutions for Climate Resilience

Source: US Housing and Urban Development Agency HUD
Offers a guide to help communities implement safe active transportation and multimodal improvements in decarbonizing their transportation systems.
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From Policy to Practice: A Guide to Measuring Complete Streets Progress

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition, Smart Growth America
Outlines strategies for local agencies to effectively measure the impacts and equity of Complete Streets policies.
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New Benefits of Complete Streets Tool and Guidebook

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition
Introduces Benefits of Complete Streets tool and its guidebook, a data-driven tool that can help measure and project the benefits of complete streets.
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Walkability Wins

Source: America Walks
This monthly roundup covers pedestrian plazas, Complete Streets policies, and plans for funding in cities and states across the country.
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Caltrans and MassDOT Require Road Projects to Serve All Modes

Source: State Smart Transportation Initiative
Reports on state DOT policy changes in CA and MA that have formalized Complete Streets policies to create safe, multimodal corridors in design processes.
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Complete Streets in Pittsburgh, PA Vital for Improving Public Health

Source: Smart Growth America
Describes in text and via a brief video how Pittsburgh, PA used its complete streets policy and updated street design guidelines as a blueprint to design and build safer street networks that provide mobility for all.
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Portland Pollinator Corridor Bikeway Case Study

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Profiles the development of a pollinator coordinator bikeway in Portland, OR.
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New FHWA Complete Streets Report to Congress

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Recommends making Complete Streets the default road design model to help improve safety and access for all users.
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Complete Streets Infographic

Source: FHWA Office of International Programs
Provides an overview of the Complete Streets concept as shaped by international exchanges and scans, related data, and benefits of the approach.
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