Driver behavior has a big impact on pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Driver training programs serve as an educational component of a multi-faceted strategy to address the rules of the road. Driver behaviors influence speed, passing distance, and yielding which can all have impacts on vulnerable road users, and either lead to or prevent crashes. Understanding traffic signals and infrastructure, as well as state and local ordinances and regulations also contribute to safe driving behaviors. A critical component to any driver training program is centered on the theme of defensive driving and a moral obligation to protect pedestrians and bicyclists outside of the vehicle who are susceptible to critical injuries or even fatalities in crashes.


Large Vehicle Urban Driving Safety Video trains drivers of large vehicles in San Francisco, California, where large vehicle crashes account for 17% of all traffic fatalities.

Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards provides a framework to teach skills to novice teen drivers to perform as safe and competent drivers and integrates considerations for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Older Drivers in the Workplace: How Employers and Workers Can Prevent Crashes Fact Sheet gives employers and workers information on age-related physical and mental changes that may affect older workers' driving.

School Bus Driver In-Service Safety Series offers refresher training on driving a school bus to avoid crashes.

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"Understanding Crashes and Safe Behaviors to Help Prevent Them" Video Series shows situations that can lead to a crash between a driver and pedestrian or bicyclist. This series can be used to help new drivers and other community members anticipate and prevent these situations.

Bicycle Friendly Driver Training packages bicycling safety education from the driver perspective to develop a common understanding about sharing the road.

Dutch Reach Project advocates for using the far hand to open vehicle doors to avoid dooring bicyclists and was integrated into the Massachusetts Driver's Manual as best practice.

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