Proactively Addressing Crash Risk with Systemic Safety Analysis
Oct 11, 2018
Analyzing safety risk for pedestrians and bicyclists has conventionally focused on crashes alone. But agencies interested in being more proactive about minimizing or eliminating risk are employing a systemic approach that takes a broader view of risk evaluation across an entire roadway system. A systemic approach acknowledges that crashes alone are not always sufficient to determine risk potential and appropriate countermeasures. Such an approach focuses on identifying a variety of roadway and environmental characteristics associated with crash risk and proactively implementing system wide safety improvements typically using lower cost engineering treatments.
This webinar will explore the fundamentals of a systemic approach to minimizing safety risk for pedestrians and bicyclists and highlight case studies from the City of Seattle and other agencies.
This webinar supports FHWA's Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) program which promotes countermeasures at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.
- Chris Svolopoulos, Seattle Department of Transportation
- Rebecca Sanders, Toole Design Group
- Offer Grembek, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), University of California - Berkeley
- Rachel Carpenter, Caltrans
- Rodney Brown, Fehr & Peers
Webinar Resources