Addressing Speed-Related Crashes with a Focus on Protecting Children
Nov 08, 2017
In 2015, on average, more than one child or youth pedestrian was killed in a traffic crash every day in the US, resulting in family and community suffering and tremendous loss of years of life. Higher vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck by a car and the severity of injury. And though communities have made strides in improving the safety of road users in other ways, efforts to reduce traffic speed have frequently proven politically difficult to implement. Slowing down traffic starting where children walk and bike is a promising way to build momentum for broader transformation that could ultimately improve safety for all.
Audience members received information about how the year-old Vision Zero for Youth concept has built momentum for change; an overview of the recent National Transportation Safety Board report on the need to reduce speed-related crashes; and lessons from Los Angeles and New York City, which have focused safety improvements on places where children walk and bike.
The presentation was followed by a facilitated discussion period featuring questions submitted by webinar attendees.
- Nancy Pullen-Seufert, National Center for Safe Routes to School
- Leah Walton, National Transportation Safety Board
- Ivan Cheung, National Transportation Safety Board
- Margot OcaƱas, Los Angeles Department of Transportation
- Nina Haiman, New York City Department of Transportation
- Juan Martinez, New York City Department of Transportation
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