Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Data – Part 1: Programs, Data, and Metrics

Feb 21, 2017


Interested in measuring bicycling and walking in your community? Starting a bicycle and pedestrian counting program or wanting to improve your existing program? In the first episode of this two-part webinar series, Krista Nordback (UNC Highway Safety Research Center) discussed the why and how of bicycle and pedestrian count programs. Scott Brady (Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission) highlighted how the Philadelphia area has integrated counting bicycling and walking into its motor vehicle traffic monitoring program. He shared examples of how to compute annual average daily bicyclists and pedestrians using data from short-duration and permanent count programs. Jeremy Raw (Federal Highway Administration) shared lessons learned from working with 10 Metropolitan Planning Organizations around the country as part of the Bicycle-Pedestrian Count Technology Pilot Project. And Kelly Laustsen (Kittelson and Associates, Inc.) gave a summary of the recently revised 2016 Federal bicycle and pedestrian count data format, so you'll know what basic data to collect if you'd like your data in the national database.



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