More Equity Resources

From Policy to Practice: A Guide to Measuring Complete Streets Progress

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition, Smart Growth America
Outlines strategies for local agencies to effectively measure the impacts and equity of Complete Streets policies.
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Case Study: E-Bike Libraries Advance Mobility Options, Incorporate Equity and Climate Goals

Source: FHWA
Showcases an e-bike lending library program in Latino neighborhoods.
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Actions for Decriminalizing Transportation and Movement: A Vision for Antiracist Approaches to Safety

Source: Transportation Equity Caucus
Proposes principles for equitable transportation to ensure safety for marginalized groups.
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Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Explores the enduring effects of segregation and present-day social factors on current street conditions around schools and disinvested communities via a StoryMap focusing on these impacts in Atlanta,
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Making Travel More Equitable for People with Disabilities

Source: Transportation Research Board
Offers a four-part series on equity.
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Measuring Access to Opportunities to Advance Equity

Source: Conveyal
Describes a tool to quantify access to opportunities and progress toward equitable transportation systems, particularly public transit and active modes of transportation.
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Economic Benefits and Shared Prosperity with Form-Based Codes

Source: Smart Growth America
Reports on research showing how form-based codes produce better economic outcomes, lead to positive impacts for equity and equitable development, and provide the best zoning and regulatory framework for good smart growth development.
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Micromobility, Equity and Sustainability

Source: International Transport Forum (ITF)
Examines micromobility trends and reviews its benefits and social costs to help develop governance frameworks and regulations that maximize the contributions of e-scooters, electric bikes, and pedal bikes to more sustainable mobility while minimizing negative effects.
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Designing for All Ages and Abilities

Source: NACTO
Provides All Ages and Abilities criteria for selecting and implementing bike facilities.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Bus Rapid Transit and High-Priority Bus Corridors

Source: Transit Cooperative Research Program
Examines the state of practice in bus transit corridor planning, design, and construction in relation to pedestrian and bicyclist safety, public health, and equity, with a focus on dedicated bus lanes.
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