Plan Development
RELATED TOPICS: Complete Streets, Community Engagement, Counting and Estimating Volumes, Connected Multimodal Networks, Performance Measurement
Bicycle and pedestrian considerations are institutionalized at state, regional, and local levels through the adoption of plans that provide a roadmap for projects and programs. These plans can support the nuts and bolts of complete streets policy implementation, foster healthy communities, address transportation inequities and access, and provide a framework to operationalize Vision Zero and other goals. Pedestrian and bicycle plans can be stand alone or may be elements of an integrated, multimodal transportation system. Effective plans reflect the values of the community they serve and are constantly being revised and updated.
Regardless of the size of the community, plan development consists of a few key steps: 1) set a vision and outline goals; 2) review and document existing conditions including policies, ordinances, infrastructure, and programs to identify challenges and opportunities; 3) engage stakeholders, decision makers, and the public at large to share and gather feedback for next steps; 4) use data to inform project needs, identify unsafe behaviors to target, and set benchmarks for measuring performance; and 5) prioritize projects and programs to implement and identify funding options.
How to Develop a Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan provides a step-by-step approach that agencies can use to develop plans for improving safety for nonmotorized road users.
ActiveTrans Priority Tool helps prioritize improvements to facilities as part of a complete streets evaluation approach based on community values.
Creating Walkable + Bikeable Communities provides guidance to develop master plans.
Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies provides transit agency staff with an easy-to-use resource for improving pedestrian safety.
Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning defines equity in the context of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and programs, synthesizes research on travel needs of underserved populations, and shares resources to address inequities.
Estimating Bicycling and Walking for Planning and Project Development: A Guidebook helps planners account for demand more effectively.
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Walk Bike Thrive shares regional planning for bicycling and walking from the Atlanta Regional Commission.
The Pedestrian Safety Action Plan in Austin, Texas, outlines 21 recommendations for improving pedestrian safety across a wide range of program areas.
The Minnesota Statewide Bicycle System Plan lays out Statewide and District recommendations for developing the State bicycle network.
Intermodal Transportation Planning and Development: A Closer Look at Linking Transit to Bicycling and Walking shows a range of improvements to the Sun Tran system to better connect to transit in Tucson, Arizona.
Montgomery County, Maryland, Bicycle Master Plan establishes a vision and strategy for achieving a low stress bicycle network.