Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning
Jun 26, 2016
In this webinar, we explored the ways in which transportation professionals can pursue and achieve more equitable processes and outcomes when planning and developing multimodal transportation systems.
Shari Schaftlein, of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), kicked off the webinar by defining the concept of transportation equity within the context of pedestrian and bicycle planning, and the Ladders of Opportunity initiative of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Emily Sinkhorn of the Natural Resources Services, a private non-profit based in Eureka, California, discussed how a rural California county is leveraging available data to identify and address transportation equity issues. Emily discussed the development of a Tool for equitably prioritizing Safe Routes to School Projects in a rural region and a data-gathering effort to map transportation disadvantage in Humboldt County to inform decision-making.
Joyce Newland, of the FHWA Indiana Division, highlighted the ways in which Gary and South Bend, Indiana, are developing diverse partnerships and inclusive public processes as it plans for pedestrian and bicycle projects. Highlights of pedestrian and bicycle assessments from those communities were also be shared.
Finally, Cara Ferrentino and Carniesha Kwashie, of the City of Philadelphia, shared their experiences in developing and implementing a social equity strategy for the Philadelphia Bike Share Program.
- Shari Schaftlein, Federal Highway Administration
- Joyce Newland, FHWA Indiana Division Office
- Emily Sinkhorn, Natural Resources Services
- Cara Ferrentino, City of Philadelphia
- Carniesha Kwashie, City of Philadelphia
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