More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Seven Proven Steps to Improve Safety for Walking, Biking, Rolling, and More

Source: CityLab
Lists proven Safe Systems approach steps to increase safety for people walking, biking, and rolling rather than blaming victims: decrease speed limits; focus on design; rewrite the MUTCD; prioritize the most dangerous street;
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Bicycle Signals Resource Hub

Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Identifies current design guidance and practices related to the use of bicycle signals, and provides information on applications in communities throughout the US and internationally.
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States Use Data to Drive Road Safety Improvements

Source: FHWA Innovator
Describes data-driven safety analysis (DDSA) using big data to prioritize safety and make informed decisions that result in fewer crashes.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Bus Rapid Transit and High-Priority Bus Corridors

Source: Transit Cooperative Research Program
Examines the state of practice in bus transit corridor planning, design, and construction in relation to pedestrian and bicyclist safety, public health, and equity, with a focus on dedicated bus lanes.
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The Future of Bikeway Design Guidance Working Papers

Source: National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
Shares the final three working papers in a series on new bikeway design guidance.
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Tech Brief: Safety Evaluations of Innovative Intersection Designs for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Summarizes a project that investigates the operational and safety improvements of innovative intersection retrofitting designs that benefit pedestrians and bicyclists while maintaining a reasonable service to motor vehicles.
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Caltrans and MassDOT Require Road Projects to Serve All Modes

Source: State Smart Transportation Initiative
Reports on state DOT policy changes in CA and MA that have formalized Complete Streets policies to create safe, multimodal corridors in design processes.
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COVID Forced Redesigned Streets, Some Changes to Become Permanent

Source: Fast Company
Shares examples from cities that are permanently keeping street redesigns that were implemented during the early phases of the pandemic.
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AASHTO Issues Revised Pedestrian Facilities Guide

Source: AASHTO
Provides guidance on pedestrian facilities along streets and highways and identifies effective measures for accommodating pedestrians in public rights-of-way as well as appropriate methods for accommodating them on a variety of roadway and facility types.
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Complete Streets in Pittsburgh, PA Vital for Improving Public Health

Source: Smart Growth America
Describes in text and via a brief video how Pittsburgh, PA used its complete streets policy and updated street design guidelines as a blueprint to design and build safer street networks that provide mobility for all.
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