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Health Impacts of the Built Environment

Source: Institute of Public Health in Ireland
This review is the third in the series and illustrates how the built environment impacts on health.
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Does the Built Environment Influence Physical Activity?

Source: Transportation Research Board Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requested this study in order to examine the connection between the built environment and the physical activity levels of the U.
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Community Design, Active Living and Public Health

Source: AICP, Local Government Commission
This PowerPoint presentation walks the viewer through documents that explain how communities can be made safer for pedestrians and automobile traffic in order to increase physical activity.
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Community Design and Transportation Policies

Source: The Physician and Sports Medicine
This article discusses the benefits of and the challenges to promoting physical activity through urban design.
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The Economic Impact of Bicycling in Wisconsin

Source: Governor's Bicycle Coordinating Council, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
This economic overview shows how Wisconsin's investments in bicycling generate significant returns in the form of public health and safety, economic development and job growth.
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Can New Urbanism Encourage Physical Activity?

Source: Journal of the American Planning Association
This study compared various measures of physical activity for residents of a new urbanist neighborhood to those for a group of conventional suburban neighborhoods in central North Carolina. The full article may be purchased from the Journal of the American Planning Association or accessed by subscribers.
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A Study of Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality, and Health (LUTAQH) in King County, WA

Source: Lawrence Frank & Co., GeoStats, Inc, San Diego State University, University of Cincinnati
This research documents the impact of land use decisions and transportation investments and suggests strategies for allocating resources to encourage more compact, mixed use neighborhoods with more transportation choices.
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Share the Road

Source: Surface Transportation Policy Project, Bicycle Federation of America, Environmental Working Group
This report is about making the case on public health, economic, and environmental grouds for a fair share of funding to make America bicycle friendly.
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Pedaling Health: Health Benefits of a Modal Transportation Shift

Source: Australian Department of Transport,
The purpose of this report is to present medical research on the benefits accruing from incorporating exercise into daily living patterns.
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What Do Traffic Crashes Cost?

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
This report updates the national estimates of employer costs of crashes presented in Traffic Safety and Health Care: State and National Estimates of Employer Costs and adds estimates of employer costs by industry.
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